Time to reflect & connect

We invite you to experience, enjoy, and engage.

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Life Events

Whether it's pastoral care, baptism, confirmation, wedding, or funeral, we are here to accompany you.

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In our church congregation, we have a wide range of offerings that we would like to extend an invitation to you for.

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Services & Worship

The service is for everyone. Children, adults and those of us who are a little older. We have made a special space for children in the side aisle, where they can draw and listen to Bible stories with an adult.

Children and Families

We have a wide range of activities for children and families. 

Come and join in!

Music and Cultural Events

Christianity, the church and our culture are uniquely connected. Join in to experience the church outside of the regular service.


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There are plenty of opportunities to get involved and lend a hand in our church community.
Come by and join in.

Our Sunday service, food bank, and all our many activities wouldn't be possible without our dedicated volunteers.


We all contribute to shaping and building the church community, and we love doing it together - with you.

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"In my Father's house there are many mansions."

John 14 verse 2